Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Are the bees happy?

Because I'm happiest when I'm "bee-like." I find myself removing things from my plate just to turn around and add something else. For instance, I started a playgroup last winter and it grew to 80 members over the past 8-9 months. Wow! It's a great success and I enjoyed doing it but when I started back to school I turned over the reins to one of our members because I knew I wouldn't have time. Smart idea, huh? Except that since I did that I've added at least 2 things to my plate in it's place! I think I thrive on being busy; I'm best under pressure. I do my best work when I know people are counting on me. When no one expects anything of me...I don't do anything. I become boring and bored. So now I am the happy, busy mommy of a toddler, wife of a sweetheart, part-time nurse, CM consultant, CTMH consultant, student with a full-time load and working on an online playgroup. And I love it! By the way since Aiden looks like this right now:
I'M GOING TO STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


NinjaMom said...

I heart you and your gusto! You rock. Now go study!

Anonymous said...

Christy - YOU ARE CRAZY! You do have aton on your plate, I can't complain now. Oh and of course Aiden is as adorable as ever sleeping in that chair.

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