Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Are the bees happy?

Because I'm happiest when I'm "bee-like." I find myself removing things from my plate just to turn around and add something else. For instance, I started a playgroup last winter and it grew to 80 members over the past 8-9 months. Wow! It's a great success and I enjoyed doing it but when I started back to school I turned over the reins to one of our members because I knew I wouldn't have time. Smart idea, huh? Except that since I did that I've added at least 2 things to my plate in it's place! I think I thrive on being busy; I'm best under pressure. I do my best work when I know people are counting on me. When no one expects anything of me...I don't do anything. I become boring and bored. So now I am the happy, busy mommy of a toddler, wife of a sweetheart, part-time nurse, CM consultant, CTMH consultant, student with a full-time load and working on an online playgroup. And I love it! By the way since Aiden looks like this right now:
I'M GOING TO STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bowlegged much?

Here's my little toot in all his bow-legged glory! He's proud of the John Deere boots! Lucky for us he should grow out of the bow-leggedness in time to become an awesome athelete and future Dallas Cowboy....or fan anyways!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Whatever happened to backbone?

...seriously. Something is bugging me. Why is it that people can not or will not show a little backbone these days? Stand up for themselves, what they believe in, what they like/dislike. It annoys me to no end. I get so tired of puppet responses, me too-mentality and lack of an opinion/thought of your own. If you agree, fine! If not, SAY SO! and the people that you are trying to impress.....they are not really your friends if they don't like you for YOU.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The perpetual student

....seriously, why did I decide to go back to school again? Oh yeah, so I didn't have to work crappy hours and to get paid more money. Right. Okay, that all makes good sense. Here's what makes no sense whatsoever. Why the heck do I need to take MUSIC APPRECIATION to be a Nurse Practitioner? And if I AM taking said, Music Appreciation and my instructor knows that 99.9% of us are not taking this class because we are MUSIC majors but because it meets our Arts requirement, then WHY does he take this class so seriously? I mean do I need to know what a time measure is and what a quarter note looks like to be good at Nursing? I think not. I thought the class would be listening to some music, identifying some pieces, learning about composers, blah blah...but I did not sign up to learn to read music or pick out a clarinet as the solo instrument in a concerto. BLAH! I can hear the do-gooders now...but Christy, this will make you a much more "well-rounded" individual. BLAH BLAH BLAH! :) Can you tell I don't care for Music Appreciation so far? Oh, and my US Gov teacher seems to have a bee in his bonnet. My other 3 classes are cake. Can't wait to get through the preliminaries and get back to my medical studies. I loved all of my classes in nursing school! Who'da thought that medicine would end up being my passion?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The illusion of control...

This is an older blog of mine that I wrote a few months ago....do you agree? Is control just an illusion?

So I was in bed last night thinking.....isn't it funny how we fool ourselves into thinking we are in control of our lives? I remember when David and I were trying to get pregnant with no results for almost a year. I was heart-broken because there was nothing I could do to fix it. We had to trust God and pray about it...then when my precious baby was 4 months old and everything was going just as I thought it should...BAM! out of no where we were blindsided. Aiden became critically ill after receiving his 4-month vaccinations and we were flown to Dallas where Aiden was kept in pediatric ICU for over 4 weeks and hospitalized for a total of 5 weeks. He went through enormous trials...he was in so much pain..he couldn't breath on his own, he couldn't eat, he couldn't urinate...there was absolutely nothing I could do...How hard as a mother to be unable to help your child? To be unable to be his mother? But when David and I prayed together..the peace came...and the understanding that even though we are not really ever in control...we know the One who is.Maybe just maybe God is trying to tell us all....to let Him drive....all the time...not just when we are forced to.

Reminder to self....

It's easy to let yourself get discouraged. You make up your mind that you're going to do something(s) great!You "start strong" and a few days, weeks, months into it...BAM! Somebody/something/some circumstance throws a wrench in it and you feel like just giving up. You forget everything you've learned (the things that impacted you in such a way that they prompted you to do this thing) and you just want to give up. Ladies, I'm writing this to remind you (and myself) that this is when we should press harder, stand stronger, refocus and KEEP GOING!
This could apply to many, many "things" that we are trying to do in life. But I think the point is clear in most any situation...and you know what I've found my very BIGGEST obstacle is?? Probably no surprise....MYSELF.
--I'm here to tell you that I'm over it. I had a bad diet weekend and the scales aren't moving but I'm refocusing. I'm pressing harder. I'm standing stronger. I'm not giving up. No matter what nay-sayers or MYSELF tries to tell me....I'm only getting started! :) Besides, I spent waaaay too much money on this diet program to give up!....even though I could REALLy use some Mexican food....teehee

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